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TagsRecentMultiplePages Method
Gets a list of recently tagged media. Paginates until a predefined limit is reached or the end is reached. Note this could increase your daily limit Check RateLimitLimit

Namespace: InstaSharp.Endpoints
Assembly: InstaSharp (in InstaSharp.dll) Version: (
public Task<TagsMultiplePagesResponse> RecentMultiplePages(
	string tagName,
	string minTagId = "",
	string maxTagId = "",
	Nullable<int> maxPageCount = null,
	string stopatMediaId = null


Type: SystemString
Return information about this tag.
minTagId (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Return media [before]after this min_tag_id. If you don't want to use this parameter, use null.
maxTagId (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Return media [after] before this max_tag_id. If you don't want to use this parameter, use null.
maxPageCount (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableInt32
the number of pages at which you wish to stop returning data. Otherwise it keeps going until the end. Be warned, you could quickly use your daily limit
stopatMediaId (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Doesnt return any data older than or including this id

Return Value

Type: TaskTagsMultiplePagesResponse
a response object containing a list of the media responses and the last returned Meta code
See Also